
Edge Profile N°22 (10 cm)

The origins of this Edge Profile are somewhat mysterious. Unlike all the others, the N°22 was not created by us. We purchased this mold from a producer of pewter bar tops that had decided to close shop in the late 1960s. The mold in cast iron was meant to be scrapped.

The pattern seems to suggest the gearwheels of an industrial machine. As such is it no surprise that it was successful in the former working-class neighborhoods of the Parisian area : around the “Point du Jour” in Boulogne-Billancourt where the biggest Renault factory used to be located, in Pantin, and along the Boulevard Richard Lenoir (11th Arrondissement) where the bulk of the small mechanic workshops were concentrated. Many of these cafés have since disappeared, as the 1980s marked a profound transformation of these areas.

Bar top N°81 was restored with the edge profile N°22.